Woman and Snake-Healing

Woman and Snake-Healing

Cover | Mary Ann Merker

Woman and Snake-Healing (color pencil on photo paper). This 2006 drawing by Emeryville artist Mary Ann Merker is part of her “Woman and Nature” series, which melds primal and straightforward drawing with technology. Merker scans and prints her original sketches and then draws over them to form a series that expresses many states of mind in one ongoing format. Her work has been exhibited in numerous shows and private collections, and has garnered prestigious awards for works on paper. She is currently Civic Arts Coordinator for the City of Berkeley and one of 87 artists featured in the 20th Annual Emeryville Art Exhibition, held October 7-29 at 5630 Bay Street, Emeryville. For information, call (510) 652-6122 or visit www.emeryarts.org. To reach the artist directly, e-mail MARossini@aol.com.

Faces of the East Bay