Cover | Charles Lewis
The Three Vincents (oil on canvas). Charles Lewis is sometimes associated with the now not-so-underground art move-ment called Pop Surrealism, known for its strange humor and imaginary constructions. Part of his “Strange Visions” series, whose images the Los Gatos artist claims to download from another dimension called Jupiter7, “The Three Vincents” pays double tribute to the most famous Vincent in art. The third Vincent? It’s the glorious 1952 Vincent motorcycle, immortalized in the Richard Thompson song, “Vincent 1952” (“I robbed many a man to get my Vincent machine”). Lewis’s art can be seen at
NEXT MONTH: Crazy summer camps, six-word story contest winners, and how local folks are filling the gaps—and potholes—as public funding fails.
For our summer essay issue
The Monthly is now accepting short personal essays (900 words maximum) from local writers for possible publication this summer. The jumping-off point:
Where I’m from . . .
To submit, paste the essay into your email to and attach as a Word document (“.doc”, not “.docx” file). Include your name, email address, and phone number on every page. Please note that we can consider only work that is submitted according to these guidelines.
Deadline: Monday, April 18.
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