The Fisher-Warrior

The Fisher-Warrior

Cover | Gerry Traucht


The Fisher-Warrior (photograph). Gerry Traucht, a Berkeley fine art photographer, is known for his portraits of people and pets, his gelatin silver nudes of dancers, and his photographs of the mystical egrets—the national symbol of the Audubon Society—at the Berkeley Aquatic Park lagoon. There are always two egrets monitoring the lagoon, Traucht says. From November on, their numbers swell, staying through spring and occasionally well into summer, enjoying their lagoon, shoreline, and wetlands—the mouths of rivers and streams that flow into bays and oceans. “In drawing back the veil, the egrets have drawn my camera’s attention to moments of near paradisiacal beauty at the Berkeley lagoon,” Traucht says. “The Greeks had it right—[a] pantheism of sorts. All things are everything, when you look closely.” Traucht’s photos are on display through January at three Berkeley venues: Expressions Gallery, 2035 Ashby Ave.; the Berkeley City building lobby, 1947 Center St., and the Au Coquelet Café, 2000 University Ave. For info on the exhibits and Traucht’s photography services: (510) 649-1971,, or


NEXT MONTH: Essays on what keeps us up at night, excerpt from The Cassoulet Saved Our Marriage, and Oakland’s latest hot jazz spot, Duende.

Faces of the East Bay