Cover | Toby Tover-Krein
Rockport Red Reflection (acrylic on canvas). Toby Tover-Krein, an award-winning narrative figurative painter from the Bay Area, often paints vintage fishing boats from Rockport, Massachusetts, reminiscent of fishing trips with her father and representing a safe harbor for contemplation. In this piece, the shadow under one of the boats is painted a vivid red to remind us that not everything is predictable. You can see Tover-Krein’s unpredictable artworks at her show “Red Art District,” July 28 to September 26, 2006 at C’era Una Volta, 1332 Park Street, Alameda, and meet the artist on August 4, 6-9 p.m. In 2001 Toby was the Grand Prize Winner “Arts on Fire V” competition at Sanchez Art Center. Tover-Krein is with Valley Art Gallery in Walnut Creek ( and has her studio in Oakland. To contact the artist, call (925) 935-7386, e-mail, or view her art and bio at