Meatloaf (oil on panel)

Meatloaf (oil on panel)

Cover | Kanna Aoki

Meatloaf (oil on panel). After several years as an accomplished San Francisco–based surface designer for clients including Williams-Sonoma, Pottery Barn and Joe Boxer, Kanna Aoki came home to the East Bay to focus on fine art. Inspired by shapes, lines, composition and color, she paints images of freeways, beaches and street scenes, in a manner that celebrates the medium—oil on canvas or panel—as much, if not more than, the subject itself. “Meatloaf” was a childhood pet who presented himself to her family as a holiday gift, only to leave as mysteriously as he arrived one year later. Aoki’s recent paintings are currently on view at the Richmond Art Center’s Members Showcase Exhibit until Nov. 9. For limited edition archival prints of Meatloaf, contact Aoki at More of her work can be seen at

Meatloaf was brought to The Monthly’s attention by The LightRoom, a company that has served photographers and other artists since 1975. The LightRoom provides scanning and printing for photographers (who shoot film or use digital) as well as artists using watercolor, oil, pastel and most other media. The LightRoom also operates a gallery at 2263 Fifth Street in Berkeley that showcases the work of its clients. For more information, visit or call (510) 649-8111

Faces of the East Bay