Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

COVER | M. Louise Stanley

Happy Birthday (gouache) is a remake of a birth painting M. Louise Stanley made for her nephew’s first child. (The uncropped art can be seen on page 14.) Stanley continues her exploration of the human condition illustrating current political issues and events. Her contemporary themes are often juxtaposed with Greco-Roman references and research gathered during trips to Europe. Her travel journals are legendary. Stanley is included in the book Drawing Power – Women’s Stories of Sexual Violence, Harassment, and Survival, a Comics Anthology released Sept. 17. Recipient of the Pollock-Krasner Foundation Grant and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation Fellowship among others, she is represented by the Anglim Gilbert Gallery in San Francisco. Her paintings and journals can be viewed at MLouiseStanley.com and on Instagram at m.mlouisestanley. Stanley is one of 115 artists featured in the 33rd annual Juried Emeryville Art Exhibition. Oct. 5-27. Opening Reception, Fri., Oct. 4, 6-9 p.m.; open daily, 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; 1375 55th St., Emeryville, free. For information, visit www.EmeryArts.org or call 510-652-6122.


Faces of the East Bay