The theme of this fall’s essay contest, crossing a line, prompted dozens of readers to submit touching, from-the-heart responses. Here, five that we found uniquely moving.
The Purple Crayon | Diana Divecha
The mother of a college-age daughter faces the pain—and the promise—of an empty nest.
She’s Mad | Joanne Hartman
A rainy day, a class of wriggling, wisecracking sixth-graders. What will Teacher do?
The Bully | Jill Koenigsdorf
The serenity of a small-town childhood is shattered by two shocking episodes of violence.
Pain Without Equal | Gerald Green
A 60-year-old man survives multiple bouts with cancer. Racism is another matter.
Swinging Door | Nicole Heare
A Berkeley homeowner confronts an unwelcome guest—and her class guilt—by channeling Blanche du Bois.