Cover | Carlotta A. Tormey
Coffee Bar (watercolor and gouache). This pieceis artist Carlotta Tormey’s second painting to be featured on the cover of The Monthly and is one in a series of what she calls “remastered masters.” Tormey was inspired to create the painting after considering Édouard Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies-Bergère” during one of her frequent trips to Peet’s. While working as a staff illustrator for a San Francisco design firm, Tormey became acquainted with various styles and media. She has received several awards for her work, including four Andy awards from the Advertising Club of New York. Equally at ease with fine-line rendering and a rich painterly style, the lifelong local artist can be contacted for a variety of work from wine labels and logos to murals and portraits. Her work can be seen at or coming soon, She can be reached at (510) 451-3423 or