Cover | Bella Bigsby
Barn Owl Alighting (oil on canvas 24 inches by 48 inches). Bella Bigsby of Oakland is a self-taught artist who grew up in Norfolk, England. Long fascinated by nature, she has exhibited in the Bay Area and across the United States and United Kingdom for the past 12 years. Her work combines the tangible elements of the world around her with an imagined nature drawn from her memories from home, her feelings for that lost landscape, and a love of the magical nature of myth and fairytale. Animals and birds, such as the barn owl, with rich folkloric tradition are particularly intriguing to her. She is most interested in the quiet presence of this world, where it touches the everyday one, rather than in nature at its most grand and dramatic. For more info, visit Her new work will be displayed at The Gardener through October. Meet the artist 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 10, The Gardener, 1836 Fourth St., Berkeley, 510-548 4545,
NEXT MONTH: How well do you know Berkeley? Put on your walking shoes and tag along with Janet Byron and Robert Johnson, authors of the newly released Berkeley Walks, Revealing Rambles Through America’s Most Intriguing City, a walking guide to 18 local treks studded with architectural, natural, political, and historical gems. Also meet Playland-Not-At-The-Beach’s Fabulous Fun Facilitator, dine at Salsipuedes, and see how available STEM resources are.