Noelle Robbins

Clear Reflections

Although we associate acne with adolescents, the condition also afflicts the skin—and the self-esteem—of adults, including those in the throes of middle age. Our health columnist surveys a range of local treatment options, from conventional to naturopathic, and passes on tips for nipping those nasty red bumps in the bud.

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Burden of Billions

Two’s company, but 6.8 billion’s a crowd. Enough already, say two renowned U.C. Berkeley researchers who are reviving a controversial crusade to stem population growth. The movement is more important now than ever, say Drs. Malcolm Potts and Martha Campbell, for the future health of our planet. But it’s key, they believe, that women are given the option (not the mandate) to choose smaller families.

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A Dream, Perchance, of Sleep

We all know that insomnia makes you grumpy—and, it turns out, it can also contribute to ill health. Fortunately, our East Bay sleep experts are willing to share their spot-on tips for banishing the demon in the bedroom without resorting to pills.

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Breast Matters

The female breast goes through many changes from childhood to old age and is challenged by the risk of breast cancer. One in seven women will be diagnosed with the disease. Our health writer explores the latest studies and what they say about the care of breasts through a lifetime.

Plus, four women associated with Alta Bates Summit Medical Center’s “Cancer in Other Words” share something of their struggle with breast cancer. The pieces are edited by Autumn Stephens, writer, editor and facilitator of the Alta Bates Summit writing program.

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Taking It Slow

The Slow Food movement may be the food trend of the future, but it’s taking us back to the fruits and nuts of our ancestors. As tens of thousands prepare for the Slow Food Nation event in san Francisco, we look at the health virtues of this diet and peek at one mom who’s growing her own.

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Faces of the East Bay