At the Bus Stop

At the Bus Stop

Cover | Anthony Holdsworth


At the Bus Stop (oil on canvas, 21 x 13 inches, 1999). Anthony Holdsworth painted this image of the Fox Theater from a vantage point in front of the now-defunct Oakland Art [dot] Com Gallery, the Uptown district’s first artist-run exhibition space and print shop (it was established in 1998 by Randolph Belle, current executive director of Support Oakland Artists). “I generally work on location in the city,” Holdsworth writes on his website, “Dispatches from the Street.” “The urban landscape is an accurate and disquieting testament to our common condition.” Holdsworth isn’t the only artistic Oaklander in the family—great-nephew Camilo Landau performs with the self-described Latin-surf-funk band, Carne Cruda. To check out tunes from the group’s new album, Oakland’s Tight, head Uptown to the Era Art Bar at 19 Grand Ave. on Friday, Aug. 6, from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information about Holdsworth’s paintings and art classes in Oakland, Italy, and Mexico:

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Faces of the East Bay